Consider this: The Fort Lauderdale orchid show is the second largest show of its kind in the country. There is an expression, the number two guy tries harder. The volunteers bent over backwards to make this a great experience. Everyone was very friendly and accommodating. There were lots o warm smiles and helpful hints.
Orchid prices were fair. Remember, you will not be buying the mundane common big box orchids here.
These are orchids that are much harder to come by. Sold here are genus and species not available in mass merchandisers. Also, here you can purchase large mature specimens not available elsewhere. Orchid prices began at about fifteen dollars, heading up to three hundred for some rare huge price winners.
In these tough economic times, they made it easy to spend money on the orchids by making it less expensive elsewhere. Parking was free. If you purchased your ticket early online by a deadline, it was only five dollars to get in. Even a day before the show, there were two dollar discounts for the regularly priced ten dollar tickets.
It is so much fun seeing such wonderful beauty in one room. They even provide you with a wrist band so you can come back and visit another day of the show. Next year do not miss this great show !